Osmotherley Messenger

Osmotherley Messenger – The yellow Osmotherley Messenger will be 10 years old this year, apart from a couple of spoof editions by persons who have remained anonymous, (we’re still waiting for the culprits to come forward 🙂 – see attached, dated but still funny), the April 2017 edition will be the hundredth. We hope you’ve all come to love that little yellow sheet popping through your door each month, but if not I hope it has occasionally proved useful.

In order to celebrate this milestone, the editors have met and are planning a bumper edition, with the community’s help of course. We have a few ideas in the pipeline including an interview with Hugh Thompson who chaired the parish plan committee where the idea was born.

Over the years the editors have built up an ‘Informants’ list of people who contribute articles, adverts etc. and these people are sent a monthly reminder of the deadline for copy. The editors have always maintained the principle of the newsletter being produced by the community for the community. With this in mind we’d like to remind you that everyone in the community is welcome to contribute and we do try to publish everything that is sent to us, although it’s important that we do maintain editorial control. So if you have anything that you believe will be of interest to the residents of the Osmotherley area please do send it to us. The details of the editors, the relevant email address, and the deadline for copy are included on the back of each edition. But as a reminder the email address for all copy is os.messenger@gmail.com.

If you have anything you would like including in the 100th edition please send it to the above email address by Monday 20th March. The editors are always happy to discuss contributions. Thanks a lot.


Affordable Housing in Osmotherley

Amanda Madden sent the following to go in the March edition of the Messenger, but unfortunately missed the deadline so it has been copied here.
We Need You – Residents are reminded that if they are in housing need and wish to stay in Osmotherley they should register their need with amanda.madden@hambleton.gov.uk. The only way we can look at a second phase of affordable housing is to have an identified need from local people. Please Register no later than 17 March 2017.

Village Hall toilets refurbishment

Refurbishments to the Village Hall toilets is began Wednesday 13th April. This is being funded by our successful Awards for All grant from the Big Lottery Fund. Please advise that disruption should be kept to a minimum, but that the Village Hall Committee apologises for any inconvenience over the next few weeks.

Many thanks,

Kind regards,
Paul Howlett



tea-cup-teapot-clip-artCommunity Coffee Mornings take place  on a Tuesday from 9am and Soup lunches on a Wednesday 12-2pm, all in St. Peters Church Osmotherley. The remaining dates for the 2015-16 season are below.






Mar 8 Mar 16
Apr 12  
May 10  
Jun 14  
Jul 12  

Burglary Information required

A burglary has taken place at one of the cottages located down the alleyway leading from where Northend and Southend meet on Wednesday the 27th of January 2016. It has taken place sometime between 08:00 and 17:45 that day.

Has anyone seen anything that has been suspicious? If you have please contact PC Doug Miller by phoning 101 and asking for 3 9 3 or emailing douglas.miller@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk
Thank you.

Parish Council Update – July 2015

The July meeting of Osmotherley Area Parish Council was again dominated by the ongoing application by the Wind Turbine developers to vary the already approved conditions. The PC has grave concerns regarding the accuracy of the environmental assessment which was written more than 8 years ago and as such much effort has been given over to ensuring that should HDC proceed all of their procedures must meet with approval in the affected locality. In addition the MOD have yet to agree that the radar mitigation scheme meets their requirements.

A planning application has been submitted to build a house for use as a holiday let in Thimbleby. All neighbours are opposed to this development which is within the conservation area and adjacent to listed buildings, as is the National Park who consider the new development would be out of character in that location.

The condition of various parking areas within Osmotherley is giving cause for concern and both Highways as well as the PC have indicated that these tarmac areas are not their responsibility. In most cases when a property changes ownership the Land Registry assign the footpath to that property and as such there is evidence to support that view, additionally if these surfaces were to deteriorate then any uneven surface could be classed as a hazard.

Several items of equipment in the Play Area require maintenance and the necessary parts have been ordered. Although at this stage the defects are not categorised as serious, the repair work is still considered essential by Members.

A local volunteer has very kindly offered to undertake gardening work at the Pinfold and another resident has made a similar offer to look after the garden border around the War Memorial—many thanks to both for their efforts now and in the future

Parish Council Update – June 2015

Osmotherley Area Parish Council received a planning application a few weeks ago seeking to vary the conditions relating to the Wind Turbine scheme near Winton and Kirby Sigston to permit a start to the project before all conditions have been met. Because of this the PC have met with both the planning officers of Hambleton as well as with the developers to try to get to root of the problem. It has transpired that the MOD have yet to approve any Radar Mitigation Scheme and without this no approval should be given. As well as this the Environmental Impact Assessment is several years old and again this should have been updated. The June meeting of the PC held at Kirby Sigston resolved to send a strongly worded letter to the Planning Authority in advance of the hearing by the Planning Committee on the 25th June which is expected to be very well attended by residents from Kirby Sigston and the surrounding area. If the developers are unable after 5 years to comply with the conditions it is considered that they have failed to achieve the necessary consents and should not be allowed to proceed.

Highways are due to carry out some road repairs in the near future as well as water main works scheduled on South End at the beginning of July, these could cause considerable disruption if not handled with care. Plans have been submitted for works to Graham House on West End, the PC considered that the render on one wall should be removed and the stonework exposed and repointed. A heat source pump has been installed adjacent to the Churchyard and is deemed to be inappropriate and should be lowered to below the wall and that timber screening should then be installed.

Funding applications have been submitted for the works to the toilets and to the churchyard wall and details are yet to be received. In the case of the Churchyard wall it also requires a Faculty from the Diocese and these matters are bound by layers of red tape and are taking a long time to  resolve.

Parish Council Update – April 2015

The Police report included one instance of antisocial behaviour as well as an attempted breakin to a livestock building. In addition the Police had recently stopped a vehicle on the A19 in relation to a drugs offence.

A Community Speed Watch campaign is being put into operation across the County where residents with the necessary training will be able to monitor speeds and then forward the details which will be used to generate letters to offenders.

The National Park are to introduce changes to their tariffs for many aspects of planning
including pre-planning advice as well as for applications. Plans discussed included internal
alterations to Drovers House at Chequers, an application to replace a conservatory on South End and also the demolition of outbuildings at Woodlands Farm Thimbleby to be replaced by a new B&B unit – all were supported.

The planning enforcement officer has visited to assess the condition of a house on the corner of South End, she also looked at the heat source pump at the rear of a property and which is visible from within the Churchyard.

Tenders are being received for works to refurbish the Toilets and also a Church Faculty is
being prepared before work can start to repoint the Churchyard Wall, it is hoped that funding from other sources can be obtained to offset the costs involved in these major works.

Anyone wanting further nomination packs for the forthcoming Elections is now advised to
obtain them from Stone Cross, it is advisable to ring in advance because these documents will be pre printed and can then be made ready for collection: closing date for returns is 9th April.

Parish Council Update – March 2015

The Police attended the Feb meeting of the Parish Council – there had been no reported
incidents in the area during the previous 4 weeks. However PC Woodcock was able to respond to concerns following the serious congestion resulting from a well attended running event based in the village. The advice here is that organisers of such events must always seek prior approval from the Police and that should any third party become aware it is advisable that such information is forwarded to the Police.

Police are also running campaigns to make youngsters in particular, aware of the dangers of legal highs and of “sexting”. Other campaigns that are current are pet theft, a growing problem in some areas; it is confirmed that poaching should be notified by the use of a 999 call.

The road past Sheepwash is soon to be closed to help prevent further flooding in that area and Yorkshire Water has been asked to tackle various leaks elsewhere. However they have
responded to say that the chamber near the Pinfold is not their responsibility despite it being a part of the old Dales and District Water Boards pipework. The PC will continue to press for a solution to this problem.

Work to repair the Bus Shelter will be carried out in the near future but the repointing to the Churchyard wall cannot take place until a Church Faculty has been obtained. Further quotes are still to come in to refurbish the Toilets and here the PC will try to find an additional source of funding to cover the costs. Second quotes are waited for the inscriptions to the War memorial and to replace the Ellerbeck sign on the A684.

Parliamentary, District and Parish Elections will be held on May 7th. All Councillors are obliged to step down and if they wish to seek re-election they must complete the nomination process. Nomination forms for Parish Councillors will be available from the Clerk, Len Cragg, 01609 773577 from 14th of March. Anyone wanting a form is asked to phone near to that date and one will be forwarded. Once received the timescale for completion and return must be carefully followed as indicated in the pack. Also please make sure that your name is on the Official List of Electors, since without that you will not be eligible to vote.