The Police report included one instance of antisocial behaviour as well as an attempted breakin to a livestock building. In addition the Police had recently stopped a vehicle on the A19 in relation to a drugs offence.
A Community Speed Watch campaign is being put into operation across the County where residents with the necessary training will be able to monitor speeds and then forward the details which will be used to generate letters to offenders.
The National Park are to introduce changes to their tariffs for many aspects of planning
including pre-planning advice as well as for applications. Plans discussed included internal
alterations to Drovers House at Chequers, an application to replace a conservatory on South End and also the demolition of outbuildings at Woodlands Farm Thimbleby to be replaced by a new B&B unit – all were supported.
The planning enforcement officer has visited to assess the condition of a house on the corner of South End, she also looked at the heat source pump at the rear of a property and which is visible from within the Churchyard.
Tenders are being received for works to refurbish the Toilets and also a Church Faculty is
being prepared before work can start to repoint the Churchyard Wall, it is hoped that funding from other sources can be obtained to offset the costs involved in these major works.
Anyone wanting further nomination packs for the forthcoming Elections is now advised to
obtain them from Stone Cross, it is advisable to ring in advance because these documents will be pre printed and can then be made ready for collection: closing date for returns is 9th April.