Osmotherley Messenger

Osmotherley Messenger – The yellow Osmotherley Messenger will be 10 years old this year, apart from a couple of spoof editions by persons who have remained anonymous, (we’re still waiting for the culprits to come forward 🙂 – see attached, dated but still funny), the April 2017 edition will be the hundredth. We hope you’ve all come to love that little yellow sheet popping through your door each month, but if not I hope it has occasionally proved useful.

In order to celebrate this milestone, the editors have met and are planning a bumper edition, with the community’s help of course. We have a few ideas in the pipeline including an interview with Hugh Thompson who chaired the parish plan committee where the idea was born.

Over the years the editors have built up an ‘Informants’ list of people who contribute articles, adverts etc. and these people are sent a monthly reminder of the deadline for copy. The editors have always maintained the principle of the newsletter being produced by the community for the community. With this in mind we’d like to remind you that everyone in the community is welcome to contribute and we do try to publish everything that is sent to us, although it’s important that we do maintain editorial control. So if you have anything that you believe will be of interest to the residents of the Osmotherley area please do send it to us. The details of the editors, the relevant email address, and the deadline for copy are included on the back of each edition. But as a reminder the email address for all copy is os.messenger@gmail.com.

If you have anything you would like including in the 100th edition please send it to the above email address by Monday 20th March. The editors are always happy to discuss contributions. Thanks a lot.


Affordable Housing in Osmotherley

Amanda Madden sent the following to go in the March edition of the Messenger, but unfortunately missed the deadline so it has been copied here.
We Need You – Residents are reminded that if they are in housing need and wish to stay in Osmotherley they should register their need with amanda.madden@hambleton.gov.uk. The only way we can look at a second phase of affordable housing is to have an identified need from local people. Please Register no later than 17 March 2017.

Village Hall toilets refurbishment

Refurbishments to the Village Hall toilets is began Wednesday 13th April. This is being funded by our successful Awards for All grant from the Big Lottery Fund. Please advise that disruption should be kept to a minimum, but that the Village Hall Committee apologises for any inconvenience over the next few weeks.

Many thanks,

Kind regards,
Paul Howlett



tea-cup-teapot-clip-artCommunity Coffee Mornings take place  on a Tuesday from 9am and Soup lunches on a Wednesday 12-2pm, all in St. Peters Church Osmotherley. The remaining dates for the 2015-16 season are below.






Mar 8 Mar 16
Apr 12  
May 10  
Jun 14  
Jul 12  

Burglary Information required

A burglary has taken place at one of the cottages located down the alleyway leading from where Northend and Southend meet on Wednesday the 27th of January 2016. It has taken place sometime between 08:00 and 17:45 that day.

Has anyone seen anything that has been suspicious? If you have please contact PC Doug Miller by phoning 101 and asking for 3 9 3 or emailing douglas.miller@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk
Thank you.

Parish Council Update – January 2016

The Council met on Thursday 21st January 2016 and discussions began with the Police Community Support Officer discussions issues relevant to our area. These included incidents on the border of the parish area and the initiatives surrounding drink and drug driving over the December month leading and over Christmas. These included a 20% increase over the corresponding period in 2014.

It was also highlighted that fish sellers were noticed in the area and it was agreed that vigilance would be needed by all to ensure that these were genuine.

A discussion introduced by the Chairman, which followed on from last months meeting regarding CCTV cameras. The proposal is to place these around the North Hambleton district ward on private land and property. The council will undertake to assist with the purchase of the necessary CCTV equipment and make the necessary claim for reimbursement from NYCC.

There were a number of continuing maintenance issues and these include the toilets the churchwall and the repairs to the Bus Shelter remain outstanding.At West Halsey, trees were blocking a footpath but it was reported that this is in hand to be sorted out by the land owner; the steps up to the catholic church were causing problems in the bad weather and it was agreed that this be investigated further and there were a number of water leaks due to bad weather which were being attended to and the Pinfold water leak had been repaired but more work was still required to ensure that this is completed.

A village collection to place a commemorative bench for Mr and Mrs  Holmes had been made and the parish council had been asked to agree a suitable site for this and it was agreed to place the bench near The Old Hall (Catholic Church).

Planning applications were received from two Osmotherley village properties, one from Sowerby under Cotcliffe and one from Winton and these were supported in principal.

Finally it was noted that the Tour de Yorkshire cycle event was coming through part of the parish area and Hambleton Council were coordinating efforts in the region to support the event which will have full to coverage this year. Farmers were encouraged to dress fields accordingly to promote the locality.

The next meeting is scheduled to be Thursday 18th February at 7:30pm.

Parish Council Update – Nov 2015

Highway concerns continue to one of the dominant issues for Osmotherley Area Parish Council. A private contractor was been brought in to try and find the cause of the North End waterfall after Highways had failed to achieve a result. The problem appears to be due in part to tree roots blocking an outfall pipe but also to a collapsed Fire Hydrant junction, both of these will now be repaired and hopefully the flooding will be a thing of the past when the repairs are completed. Potholes need filling in many locations, the public can report these directly by accessing the nycc website and going to reportapothole. The cattle grid near Greenhills Farm is a terrible state but again Highways do not appear to be in any hurry to make it safe.

Planning applications included proposals to erect an Eco house in the quarry along Quarry Lane, this was considered to be entirely unsuitable both in terms of its location as well as the proposal to create a small holding to make it self sufficient and the PC recommended that it should be refused. Another application was for 3 cattle buildings and a silage clamp at Home Farm, this included a landscape plan in order that these new buildings will be screened from both the road as well as from Thimbleby. Also in Thimbleby was an application for an array of solar panels, no objections were made because these will be hidden from view at the rear of the property.

Although the Police did not attend the meeting their report was considered to be far from accurate because it did not include the theft of a car from outside Keepers Cottage, nor did it refer to the theft of a teleporter from within the Shooting Ground. After this vehicle was crashed the Police did make 2 arrests and these persons are now on bail. Because there is unease about security of property and to individuals the Police have been asked to attend the next meeting with a view to them advising and highlighting ways of cascading information as soon as an incident occurs, prevention is always better as a cure.

Parish Council Update – Oct 2015

The October meeting of Osmotherley Area Parish Council opened with a minutes silence to honour 2 stalwarts of the community who have died recently. John Dennis MBE was a past Chairman of this PC as well as being both a Member of Hambleton District Council and of NYCC where he had given much time to the education of persons of all ages across the whole County. “Bet” Oswald who was approaching her 100th birthday had generously supported many village activities and had in the past made a most generous donation to restore the organ in St Peters. Both will be missed.

Highways concerns continue to cause problems, water is again gushing from a blocked drain on North End and this must be tackled before the onset of hard frosts. The cattle grid near Greenhills Farm is an absolute disgrace and must be replaced. It was also reported that excessive speeds are becoming more frequent on the Bullamoor road and also on South End, however to progress these complaints the evidence needs to be substantiated but these matters will be pressed at a scheduled meeting with Highways later this month.

Some replacement parts have been purchased for Play Area equipment and will be installed as soon as possible. It was reported that dog dirt and litter is becoming a frequent problem in that area, we hope the culprit has a conscience and clears away after the event because actions like this should never be tolerated.

Do not be surprised to see a lot of no waiting cones in the village, Remembrance Day is approaching and these cones will be used to try to keep roads free so essential traffic can avoid the village centre during the Parade, park sensibly away from School Lane and Back Lane.

Len Cragg 20.10.15

Parish Council Update – July 2015

The July meeting of Osmotherley Area Parish Council was again dominated by the ongoing application by the Wind Turbine developers to vary the already approved conditions. The PC has grave concerns regarding the accuracy of the environmental assessment which was written more than 8 years ago and as such much effort has been given over to ensuring that should HDC proceed all of their procedures must meet with approval in the affected locality. In addition the MOD have yet to agree that the radar mitigation scheme meets their requirements.

A planning application has been submitted to build a house for use as a holiday let in Thimbleby. All neighbours are opposed to this development which is within the conservation area and adjacent to listed buildings, as is the National Park who consider the new development would be out of character in that location.

The condition of various parking areas within Osmotherley is giving cause for concern and both Highways as well as the PC have indicated that these tarmac areas are not their responsibility. In most cases when a property changes ownership the Land Registry assign the footpath to that property and as such there is evidence to support that view, additionally if these surfaces were to deteriorate then any uneven surface could be classed as a hazard.

Several items of equipment in the Play Area require maintenance and the necessary parts have been ordered. Although at this stage the defects are not categorised as serious, the repair work is still considered essential by Members.

A local volunteer has very kindly offered to undertake gardening work at the Pinfold and another resident has made a similar offer to look after the garden border around the War Memorial—many thanks to both for their efforts now and in the future