The September meeting of the Parish Council heard that the many Highway concerns are slowly being attended to but unfortunately those of an urgent nature do not receive the attention required. Chester Lane has had some potholes filled but not to a very high standard and the Thimbleby road as well as the Bog Hole ford will be tackled during the later weeks of September when road closures will come into effect. Many gulleys are blocked, grass is growing through them, water is cascading down streets and still we wait for work to be carried out. These gulleys are normally only emptied every 6 months which is deemed by residents across the patch as well as by P C Members to be totally insufficient yet Highways steadfastly refuse to ramp up the intervals. A resident of Ellerbeck has kindly offered to draft a letter for residents to sign and send to Highways to press for works which need completing to be carried-out.
Congestion is an increasing problem and in turn this has led to bollards being demolished by vehicles attempting to find a way through between parked vehicles. Everyone is encouraged to ring 101 when roads are impeded by inconsiderate motorists. Likewise ring 101 to attract the Police to poaching and similar acts of criminal damage over open fields. Kirby Sigston has seen an increase where field gates are now being deliberately broken down so these persons can get in and out quickly.
The Defibrillator will be installed in October and a training session has been arranged for the morning of Saturday 19th when all are welcome to see what can be done to help save life. The PC have already received some donations toward this vital bit of kit, any further donations will be most welcome, please give to any Member of the PC or to the Clerk, all these contacts can be found in the Messenger.
The demand for a car park is growing but it will not be possible to find a solution to this problem until such time that a suitable piece of land becomes available, does anyone know where this land is?
Len Cragg