When Osmotherley Area Parish Council met they heard that the AGM of the Village Hall was not particularly well attended and that new Members would be most welcome to carry on the good work of those whose efforts have resulted in many recent improvements to fabric and fittings of the building. An EGM is to be held and one way forward could also be to appoint a Keyholder to act as a caretaker whose role could be to ensure that the premises are locked at night and that cleaning and other activities are performed in a timely manner.
Subsequent to the recent fatal accident on the A684 at Winton there is a groundswell of opinion that safety measures must be put in place. The PC would be willing to support any such moves which could reduce any dangers and give assistance to the road users. Although most accidents are just that it must be stressed that any increase in signage could be counter productive and distract users from watching and reading the road. It was suggested that a site meeting be held to ensure that those responsible for safety improvements are made aware of the difficulties experienced by residents who are also regular users.
The external door to the Disabled Toilet has been recently replaced, further renewal of some of the cobbles is now being considered but much depends on a grant application to the National Park being successful. A recent safety inspection of the Children’s Playarea has recommended that some minor repairs are carried out to some items of equipment and this will be done in the next few months.
It was reported that there are a few houses which have remained empty for well over a year, this information has been passed to the Housing Enabler for further consideration. The Moorsbus is to be withdrawn by the National Park as a cost saving measure to them and although some residents would like to see it replaced, there is already an alternative in that the Community Bus can be booked for similar outings or indeed by a variety of users.
Len Cragg, 23rd October