Parking in Osmotherley remains a contentious issue and not only within the centre of the village but on Clack Lane. This latter area may not improve until such time as all of the drainage issues are resolved. Currently neither Highways nor Broadacres can agree on the water issue but the crux of the problem appears to be the drain alongside the road below the building site and which eventually goes under the road in the road hollow near Belle Vue Cottages. If this drain is cleared out the site work will then proceed and the contractors will be able to park their vehicles within the works site.
Many other areas of the county have a very good Broadband speed, not so the rural villages and HDC are looking for persons to act as Champions of the cause, this particularly affects any business operating in a slow area but is equally of need to anyone else, volunteers are asked to contact HDC to assist in identifying zones for this roll out process.
The Woodyard is looking dilapidated but in this current economic climate the possibility of the original planning consent to construct small industrial units looks very remote. Further advice is to be sought to find ways of ensuring that this site will not become even more of an eyesore but in the meantime many would appreciate seeing it being tidied up.
Highways have again been asked to tackle many blocked gulleys such as the one at the south end of Thimbleby and to repair the potholes on Back Lane and near Oswaldene.