The first item on the agenda of the Osmotherley Area Parish Councils March meeting was a report from the Police giving details of a local break-in and theft as well as a reported auto crime. An accident had occurred on South End resulting in 3 cars sustaining considerable damage but there were no reports of serious injury to the occupants.
Dog fouling is again becoming a serious problem. This is antisocial behaviour of a despicable nature, in many instances the dog owners pick up after the pet yet proceed to throw the bag into the verge or into a hedge. Please can someone take a photo and then action could be taken against the offender or offenders. There will soon be more livestock in the fields and animals should not be put at risk from either dog mess or from plastic bags.
Following the well-attended marathon a few weeks ago a protocol is to be drawn up alongside the Village Hall Committee to ensure that any event organiser is aware of the needs of the village as well as being registered to hold such an event.
The loose setts at the Cross need to be rebedded and Highways will be asked to carry out this work as well as similar at the layby near to Beech Hill farm on the A684. Highways will also be asked to effect a lasting repair to Foxton Lane following severe erosion after the wet winter.
Compliments were made regarding the excellent work to rebuild a wall off Back Lane, both a credit to the builder, the owner and as an entrance for walkers arriving from the Cleveland Way.
Comments have been received about the revised bus schedules and the relevant department at County Hall has now been tasked to consider allowing time for patients to access the Doctors Surgeries as well as the provision of transport bearing in mind that many who would use this service are not fully mobile and need this assistance.