The May meeting of every Parish Council is in effect the Annual meeting when the Chairman for the following year is elected. Once again Cllr Noel Coward was nominated and he accepted the position for the coming year with Cllr Mike Read as his Vice-chairman.
News affecting the area involves the making of a Clearway Order and its enforcement which will mean that vehicles parked along the road from Cote Ghyll, past the reservoir and along Scarth Nick could be ticketed by the Enforcement team. The section of forestry between the reservoir and the Drove Road has recently been sold and the new owners could consider that any one not using the public or permissive footpaths may be considered to be trespassing. Currently the National Trust use Volunteers and Yorkshire Water have a part time Ranger who between them make a very good job of both removing litter and detritus as well as assisting the moving on of anyone acting in an anti social manner, however the YW agreement will cease at the end of the year.
Bus users should be aware that following changes to the timetables the best option to access the Doctors Practices in town is now to get off at Northallerton Post Office and then catch the Town Service which links at that stop with the village service.
The accounts for the past year have been audited and passed for approval by national auditors, these accounts can be inspected by prior appointment with the Clerk. Keith continues to do a very good job with the grass in and around the villages as well as in the Cemetery and will soon be cutting some roadside verges previously cut by Highways who find themselves unable to carryout much of the work that they should do due to financial constraints.