The Osmotherley Area Parish Councils November meeting heard from the Police that this is Car Safety Week and that they are holding surgeries across the area to highlight problems. They have also started Operation Bright where they visit homes which are not showing any lights at night and are advising householders of the benefits this could bring to them. Earlier in the week there had been a site meeting attended by Councillors T Swales and N Ward along with Highways Officers to assess how any improvements if any could be made along the A684. All of the recent accidents and blockages have been the result of driver error and none have been caused by motorists entering or exiting any of the many access points and as such it is not feasible to recommend any further signage or restrictions, if this were implemented it would then have to affect every mile of every road within the County.
Prior to the meeting a discussion had been held to consider the budget for the coming year and based on the figures presented it was recommended and approved that the Precept remain the same as for the previous 2 years. Additional expenditure could be either covered from reserves or better still from successful funding applications. The recent improvements to a long run of cobbles on North End was as a result of such an application which resulted in £5,000 being sourced from the National Parks LEADER fund with a match fund contribution of £1,000 from Parish reserves.
Although Highways have repaired some roads much remains to be carried out with flooding being a major concern again. They will be asked again to prevent water standing of the road from Jeator Houses to the Fox and Hounds as well as involving them in discussions aimed at preventing water draining down North End. The entrance to the Churchyard near the Fish Shop is congested and measures will need to be put in place to improve this access point.
With the onset of frosty mornings there is a plea to ask motorists not to leave engines running for long periods particularly at an early hour of the morning, this is causing unnecessary disturbance to their neighbours and could be avoided.
Residents concerned about the recent resignations from the Village Hall Committee met recently and were able to reform with a new Chair, Vice chair and Secretary. This will enable them to progress new ideas and to continue the good work of the former Summer Games team by forming a sub committee to carry on this valuable fund raising effort.