The March meeting of the Parish Council was able to welcome PCSO McNeill who has been tasked with many rural concerns and he explained that under current conditions it is very unfortunately difficult to enforce no waiting restrictions due to the poor condition of the double lines. His brief also includes Farm Watch and he is endeavouring to raise the profile of this area of work and will be visiting as many rural properties as possible to see what assistance can be made available. He has also been asked to look into the manner where many children of all ages are cycling around after dark without lights and this is also to be taken up with the Schools Safety Officers.
The condition of the trees within the Churchyard has been assessed and if possible any work necessary to ensure these remain safe for years to come should be carried out before nesting time. Highways are still to complete some of the roadworks from previous months and in addition the setts damaged a month ago must be re-bedded in the interests of safety and the damaged grass will be attended to as well.
The meeting also learnt that the planning application which referred to the meteorological mast associated with the Bullamoor Turbines has been renewed but only after a vote with 4 Officers of the Hambleton Planning Committee voting against this renewal.
The Parish Council were pleased to be able to offer their congratulations to Raymond Barker and Freda Garrett on them being invited to York Minster to be recipients of Maunday Monies by The Queen.
Len Cragg
Clerk to Parish Council