Highway concerns continue to one of the dominant issues for Osmotherley Area Parish Council. A private contractor was been brought in to try and find the cause of the North End waterfall after Highways had failed to achieve a result. The problem appears to be due in part to tree roots blocking an outfall pipe but also to a collapsed Fire Hydrant junction, both of these will now be repaired and hopefully the flooding will be a thing of the past when the repairs are completed. Potholes need filling in many locations, the public can report these directly by accessing the nycc website and going to reportapothole. The cattle grid near Greenhills Farm is a terrible state but again Highways do not appear to be in any hurry to make it safe.
Planning applications included proposals to erect an Eco house in the quarry along Quarry Lane, this was considered to be entirely unsuitable both in terms of its location as well as the proposal to create a small holding to make it self sufficient and the PC recommended that it should be refused. Another application was for 3 cattle buildings and a silage clamp at Home Farm, this included a landscape plan in order that these new buildings will be screened from both the road as well as from Thimbleby. Also in Thimbleby was an application for an array of solar panels, no objections were made because these will be hidden from view at the rear of the property.
Although the Police did not attend the meeting their report was considered to be far from accurate because it did not include the theft of a car from outside Keepers Cottage, nor did it refer to the theft of a teleporter from within the Shooting Ground. After this vehicle was crashed the Police did make 2 arrests and these persons are now on bail. Because there is unease about security of property and to individuals the Police have been asked to attend the next meeting with a view to them advising and highlighting ways of cascading information as soon as an incident occurs, prevention is always better as a cure.