Parish Council Update – November 2014

The November meeting of the Parish Council learnt that several small scale improvements had been made within the village and that some large scale works are to be considered. The garden at the War Memorial has been replanted with a variety of perennial and annual plats with input from the Gardening Club and work by Northdale Horticulture. A commemorative and informative plaque has been sourced for The Pinfold and this is now in place for all to see, also the garden within the structure has been tidied and will now be kept that way. Other work undertaken recently has seen the removal of saplings and invasive weeds in the Cemetery and some tidying of the Yew Trees around the Churchyard has also been done.
Major works under consideration is a refurb of the Public Toilets which are looking rather shabby and are not to the standard of when the facility won many awards in years past. Members are aware that much of this work is also needed to make flooring safe and that hot water  must be available. Other suggestions on the wish list is to install different items within the Play Area and also a refurb of the Bus Shelter, all of these are capital projects but it was decided at the meeting that the precept for 2015/16 should remain unchanged and that these works should be paid for from reserves.
Planning applications considered included one for an eco dwelling within woodland along Quarry Lane; it was deemed that this lies outwith permitted development limits and that it should therefore be rejected as being entirely unsuitable for the locality. Listed building applications which met with Members approval included a division of a part of Home Farm, Thimbleby to form 2 dwellings and another was to extend a property on North End, both were considered suitable with the proviso that all materials to be used match the existing.
Highways matters continue to give concern ranging from the need to make the Bullamoor to Jeator Houses road safer by repairing the temporary passing places to ensuring that white and yellow lines are maintained in a manner where the public can see them and act on them. Water is again pouring from a leak near the Pinfold as well as seeping out near the Treatment works on South End, in both cases Highways will be asked to act before there are any frosts.

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